who even AM i?
sup. i'm marcy, previously known on here as ziggy (ziggycore) or ethan. im a hobbyist coder, as well as an aspiring digital artist yearning to experience y2k at least once. hopefully they create a time machine sooner or later...
im feeling: The current mood of molynomials at
currently playing: persona 3 reload
currently watching: nothing atm

hello cyber traveller...welcome to my website!
You are now viewing the personal website of me, marcy! Think of this place as an everlasting collage of everything I love and enjoy. An infinite compliation of my hobbies and interests. I've been coding for 4 years now and I've only had this site for 2, although I change the layout often. Do keep in mind that the site you see now might not be the same one you see next time you visit! Anyways, besides coding, I love early 2000s/late 90s aesthetics, as well as the Persona series (as you can see,,). If you want to contact me in any way, shape or form, or just want to explore the site, do refer to the navigation on the right! Thanks for reading, i hope you enjoy the site ♥♥
~ Marcy